Distribution : Commonly known as the Malayan False gharial, this little - known, taxonomically unique and harmless crocodilian species is restricted to Kalimantan, Sumatra, Peninsular Malaysia, Sarawak and possibly extreme Southern Thailand. In Sarawak this species is reported to survive in Loagan Bunut and also has been seen in Samarahan and Batang Lupar freshwater riverine peat swamp systems. Two female gharials have been captured and were being kept at Semengoh Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre in 1991 and 1995 respectively.
Food habits: This harmless species feeds primarily on fish. However there were some human parts found in the stomach of a female gharial (about 11 foot long) captured in Sungai Tisak, a tributary of Batang Lupar. It was thought that the gharial could have taken the food or 'parts' from the woman body killed by a crocodylus porosus earlier on.
Breeding Behavior: This species locally know as 'buaya jolong' normally nest by river bank within freshwater peat swamp areas as evident in Sungai Runjing case. Its female usually guards the nest within 3-4 meters away from the nest. Their eggs usually amounting to 16, are normally laid in a jumble mass covered by leaf litters and debris. There has been no concrete report on the incubation period of the eggs so far..